Fleshbot’s Sex Toy Of The Week: XR Brands’ Frisky Take Me Thigh Cuff Restraint System


Tie Her By The Thighs!

XR Brands’ Frisky line is made for couples with women in them who are bondage newbies and looking to explore the sexual goodness that can be found with erotic restraint. I cordially invite you to check out the Take Me Thigh Cuff Restraint System this weekend. Wow, it has a whole lot of fun built into it. The cuffs are made of thickly padded neoprene with Velcro straps for attaching the wrist restraints firmly to the thigh cuffs but it all easily undoes itself when the sexy fun of these is done for the moment.

First off, damn, these make a woman’s ass look GOOD. The way that the bottom strap cups the bottom of an ass cheek is fucking brilliant. Plus, the size of the thigh cuff is 25 inches which should allow for most women to wear these pretty comfortably. Thighs can easily be spread here while the wrists stay firmly in place. I love how each restraint is separate so movement in these is relatively easy and these are definitely comfortable to have on, for sure.

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