The Reverse Cowgirl has a lot to say about Creature Cocks!
Here at XR Brands, we’re intimately familiar with how well items that seem…strange…to the public can actually sell pretty well. That’s why we’re not especially surprised by how popular Creature Cocks became fairly quickly.
However, not everyone understands. One such confused party reached out to us to try to learn more. The Reverse Cowgirl, where you can find a plethora of articles covering the various aspects of this industry, did an interview with our own Rebecca Weinberg to learn about the story behind and growth of Creature Cocks as a brand.
The article from The Reverse Cowgirl begins like this:
Creature Cocks don’t look like other dildos. Nor do they particularly resemble a penis. Instead, these brightly-colored, fanastical sex toys are shaped like octopus tentacles, a hypothetical unicorn phallus, a swamp monster with bulging eyes, and the demon penis of a hound from Hades, to name a few. If you think these out-there adult toys are only fancied by fetishists and erotic cosplay devotees, you’re wrong. The Creature Cocks line—which is produced by XR Brands, a Huntington Beach, California, adult novelty product manufacturer—is selling like gangbusters.
Read the full interview in the article by The Reverse Cowgirl here.
New Creature Cocks products are frequently added. You can find the newest releases here.